Areas of Expertise

Spine surgery
„A differentiated examination and evaluation of patient history and his symptoms, besides his findings on images, are decisive for indicating surgery“
Spinal Surgery
For a high performance athlete different regularities apply as for a very senior patient. The synopsis of general condition, detailed symptoms, findings on imaging and physical exam (neurological deficits?) leads to a decision wether surgery is indicated or if a conservative trial should be preferred. Findings on imaging per se should not decide over surgery. A lot of people without any clinical symptoms do have disc herniations, or show bony narrowness at the spinal canal („spinal stenosis“). Targeted physical activity is a major factor in the prophylaxis and treatment of back pain and sciatica. This is explicitly expressed in the current austrian guideline for the treatment of back pain.
Tumor affliction of the spine is mostly by metastasis, meaning by spread of a primary tumor of non-spinal origin. To treat such a condition (e.g. to improve pain, prevent instability, and reduce overall tumor load) complex spinal operations are frequently necessary. These include resection of tumor and vertebral bodies (corpectomy), implantation of vertebral body replacements (VBR) and pedicle screw & rod stabilization. This is followed by radiation therapy, sometimes also chemo- or immunotherapy. This depends on the type of tumor. Via the certified Tumor Center of the Klinikum Klagenfurt all options are available under one roof.
Keywords - Spinal Disorders and - Surgery
- Cervical, thoracic and lumbar disc herniation
- Spinal stenosis - narrowing of the spinal canal
- Neuroforaminal stenosis - narrowing of the bony root channel
- Sciatica - pain from the buttocks along the back of the leg
- Lumbago - lower back pain
- Spondylolisthesis - slipping of a vertebra
- skoliosis
- lumbar disc surgery - "open" microsurgery (by use of surgical microscope), or endoscopically
- corpectomy - removal of a vertebral body
- Fusion - at least two vertebral bodies are fixed together to prevent movement via so called pedicle screws, which are than connected with vertical rods