
Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kretschmer, IFAANS

“listen, examine, explain, counsel”

Important to me

  • taking time
  • counsel in a calm atmosphere
  • explain comprehensible
  • give a clear recommendation
  • I treat & counsel from the maximally affected patient to high performance athletes
  • surgery is not always the best solution
  • meticulously balancing diagnostic findings and patient complaints before indicating surgery

Web clinic or written commentary - an option, if favored


Where Surgery is Done

I operate at the Klinikum Klagenfurt, a state of the Art Federal State Hospital of maximum care & that is why I have access to a most modern and efficient infrastructure with our own neurosurgical intensive care unit.

Our patient management will guide you and is directly addressable for you...
...before and after surgery.

> Dept of Neurosurgery Klinikum Klagenfurt