Courses & Conferences | News
Current courses and conferences
Advanced training and education in Neurosurgery
I am involved in the training and education of neurosurgeons at a national and international level of multiple professional neurosurgical associations. Following is a list of current events.
Events 2020 (selection)
- Guest lecturer at „Cambridge University-Robinson College“ for British neurosurgical curriculum, topics „compressive neuropathies & specific nerve examination 7. & 8. Jan 2020
- 3rd Neuroday Klagenfurt “Vaskuläre Ereignisse-Schlaganfall“ - vascular incidents & stroke, May 2020, postponed to 2021
- 16. May 2020, ÖSG, „Rekonstruktive Verfahren bei Nervenschmerzen-den Schmerz wegoperieren?“ - nerve reconstruction to treat pain -, Villach (Austrian Pain Society), postponed to 2021
- ADRENALINE & Repair - complication management in Neurosurgery, Intl. course & conference. Inauguration and organization, Klagenfurt Austria, postponed to 15.-17.6. 2021
- 25.-26. Sept Peripheral Nerve section, German Neurosurgical Society, Keynote “Vermeidung von Komplikationen bei der Operation von Kompressionsneuropathien”, DGNC, Freiburg University, GER
- 9.-10. Okt 2020 ÖGNC annual meeting (Austrian Neurosurgical Society)
- 17.10.2020 EANS PRE-MEETING COURSE, Peripheral Nerve Surgery, course director (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies), University of Belgrade
- 18.-22.10. EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) annual meeting, Belgrade, Serbia. Keynotes & chairs
- WFNS 5th Nerve and Plexus course, lectures, University Dept of Neurosurgery, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Nov 2020 (World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies)